Be cool, follow the rules! With more than 50 years of experience, we have implemented rules for the safety of you and your guests. Some of the rules are common sense, and others may seem to be overly cautious, but each is there to ensure everyone’s safety, and all must be followed.
- No flotation devices are allowed in the pool, except Coast Guard-approved devices (arm floaties, inner tubes, etc. are not allowed).
- Appropriate swimwear is required. Tee Shirts will be allowed as long as they are not oversized (the size of the tee shirt is the lifeguard’s call).
- No glass containers of any kind are allowed in the pool or on the deck.
- No running, pushing, wrestling, or other horseplay is permitted in or around the pool area.
- No swearing or inappropriate language is allowed.
- No smoking on the pool deck.
- No dogs or other pets are allowed on the pool grounds.
- No spitting or nose blowing into the pool is allowed.
- All swimmers are encouraged to shower before entering the pool.
- Goggles may not be used when diving from the board.
- Only one person at a time is allowed on the diving board.
- No diving is permitted from the starting blocks except during swim team practice and swim meets.
- No diving is permitted in the shallow end of the pool or the baby pool.
- No wheels are permitted on the deck. This includes bicycles, skateboards, in-line or other roller skates, etc.
- The use of the wading pool is limited to children 6 years of age and under, and each child must be accompanied by an adult. The lifeguard does not supervise the wading pool. Infants must wear plastic pants or special swimming diapers. A parent or guardian is responsible for watching children in the wading pool.
- Parents are responsible for supervision of their children on the play equipment. The lifeguard does not supervise this area.
- All paper, trash, and aluminum cans must be put in the proper containers.
- Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children. Members are responsible for the behavior of their guests. Guests are subject to the same rules as members.
- Destruction of property by a member or guest is prohibited. The member or sponsor of a scheduled party must pay for property destroyed or damaged.
- The pool assumes no responsibility, and members and their guests have no claim against the pool for loss of or damage to their property that is brought into or left in the pool buildings or on the pool grounds.
- Persons under 21 years of age may not smoke or consume alcoholic beverages at the TDSAC facility.